Introduction form

I will send you and introduction form , this will enable me to understand your current position and what you hope to achieve 

Initial live chat

This is where we establish a way forward for your development

turned-on post-2018 iPhone
turned-on post-2018 iPhone


To monitor your progress and answer your questions I will be available to support you, via live chat or email 

unknown persons standing outdoors
unknown persons standing outdoors

Video Calls 

We will set up a schedule for live chat or video calls



Review of the introduction form

For this there is no charge

Initial Live Chat

Again no charge

Monitoring your progress, support and Video calls

Every Client we deal with is treated separately, as a separate project, therefore before we can quote we have to scope and understand the requirements. However as an indication our basic hourly rate for mentoring this includes video calls the charge is pounds 20.

For the production of strategies, business plans etc this very much depends on the requirement of the client and obviously has to be scoped as no two clients are the same. Contact me for a quote